
de dormir, encha um copo de água e acenda um cigarro. Com o copo na
mão, dê três tragadas no cigarro e jogue três vezes as cinzas dentro do
copo. Olhe para a água e diga: "Que a corrente médica do Dr. Bezerra de Menezes coloque nesta água o remédio necessário para a cura do meu vício."
Quando acordar, antes de colocar os pés no chão, tome três goles de
água. Repita quantas vezes forem necessárias, até alcançar a cura do
Sympathy to stop smoking
This ritual invokes the current medical Bezerra de Menezes, a group of spirits of Light who work for the healing of humanity. It should always be practiced on Wednesdays.
Before bed, fill a glass of water and light a cigarette. With glass in hand, take three drags on his cigarette and throw the ashes three times inside the cup. Look at the water and say: "That the current medical Dr. Bezerra de Menezes put in this water the medicine needed to cure my addiction." When you wake up, before putting your feet on the ground, take three sips of water. Repeat as many times as necessary to achieve cure of smoking.
Before bed, fill a glass of water and light a cigarette. With glass in hand, take three drags on his cigarette and throw the ashes three times inside the cup. Look at the water and say: "That the current medical Dr. Bezerra de Menezes put in this water the medicine needed to cure my addiction." When you wake up, before putting your feet on the ground, take three sips of water. Repeat as many times as necessary to achieve cure of smoking.
Boa tarde!!!
ResponderExcluirGostaria de saber se tenho que beber a água toda e engolir a cinza do fundo do copo ou se devo beber os 3 goles e jogar o resto fora, e se tem que ser em água corrente ou uso a mesma água para fazer a simpatia todos os dias?