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* 8 dicas para evitar e controlar a hipertensão
Estresse, cigarro, álcool e quilos a mais podem desencadear ou agravar o problema
Por Minha Vida -
Controlar a hipertensão com remédios é rotina na vida de 1/4 dos brasileiros. A doença, que sobrecarrega o coração, é crônica e pode causar sérios problemas para visão, rins e cérebro, além de ser a causadora do infarto do miocárdio. Mas pequenas atitudes podem evitar o quadro ou ajudar no controle dele.
"Os maus hábitos à mesa e o sedentarismo colaboram para que os casos de hipertensão aumentem. Muitos pacientes vivem com a doença e não sabem, porque ela não traz sintomas no início", afirma José Kawazoe Lazzoli, especialista em cardiologia e presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Exercício e do Esporte (SBME).
Para tratar essa condição, em muitos casos os medicamentos são essenciais. Mas a mudança no comportamento também transforma sua saúde. Abaixo, o cardiologista indica uma série de hábitos que, diluídos no dia a dia, ajudam você a viver de maneira mais saudável sem depender da farmácia.
1. Verifique a pressão arterial mensalmente
De acordo com o especialista, mesmo quem não sofre com a doença precisa ficar atento e medir a pressão ao menos uma vez por ano. "Cerca de 25% da população adulta é composta por hipertensos. Mas a maioria deles nem desconfia disso e ignora os cuidados, podendo sofrer com problemas mais sérios no futuro", diz o médico. Mas não vale medir a pressão de qualquer jeito:
- Repouse 15 minutos antes, em um lugar tranquilo
- Caso tenha fumado, aguarde 30 minutos
- Não fale durante o procedimento
- Permaneça deitado ou sentado durante o processo
- Esvazie a bexiga
- Após exercícios físicos, aguarde 30 minutos
- E não tome café 20 minutos antes da medição
2. Evite o excesso de peso
A grande quantidade de gordura corporal também afeta o aumento da pressão arterial. Acabar com o excesso de peso é uma ótima sugestão para quem não deseja encarar riscos. "É como se o coração fosse obrigado a aumentar a força para bombear o sangue em direção aos outros órgãos. Quando o peso diminui, muitas vezes, também reduzimos a dose dos medicamentos", afirma o cardiologista.
3. Mantenha uma alimentação saudável
Há uma gama de alimentos que podem desencadear ou agravar a doença. "O excesso de sal e de gorduras saturadas, assim como a ingestão de gorduras trans são amigos da hipertensão. Evitá-los é fundamental para manter a doença longe e ou para controlá-la", ressalta o médico.
4. Reduza o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas
De acordo com o especialista, consumir bebidas alcoólicas de forma moderada não é prejudicial para a pressão arterial, mas exagerar na dose pode causar estragos. "O consumo excessivo de álcool compromete todo o organismo, inclusive a pressão arterial", diz.
5. Acalme os nervos
De forma isolada, o estresse não é capaz de causar a hipertensão, mas quando combinado com outros fatores de risco pode agravar o quadro. "Buscando alternativas para viver de maneira mais tranquila, o coração tende a trabalhar melhor e as doses dos medicamentos podem até diminuir", diz o cardiologista.
6. Abaixo a fumaça
O cigarro deve ser mantido apagado - e bem longe - se o desejo é permanecer distante dos riscos da hipertensão. O fumo é um dos principais fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana. As substâncias tóxicas do cigarro provocam o enrijecimento das artérias, fato que compromete a passagem de fluxo sanguíneo e faz a pressão subir", afirma o cardiologista.
7. Não tome medicamentos sem prescrição médica
Nada de se automedicar e correr riscos. Os remédios de hipertensão devem ser prescritos após uma série de exames. "Cada pessoa apresenta um nível diferente de elevação da pressão arterial, por isso é importante ressaltar que o uso indevido desses medicamentos pode contribuir até para a piora do quadro. O remédio que funciona para uma amiga, certamente não funcionará para você", alerta o especialista.
8. Hora de mexer o corpo
Pessoas sedentárias têm cinco vezes mais chance de desenvolver hipertensão arterial do que indivíduos fisicamente ativos. "A prática regular de exercícios ajuda no controle dos níveis da pressão arterial, porque melhora o condicionamento físico do coração, fazendo com que ele não fique sobrecarregado", diz.
Alem disso, a prática regular de atividades provoca um efeito anti-hipertensivo por ajudar a queimar os quilos extras. "Não basta perder peso, é necessário reduzir essa massa gorda", explica. "A atividade física facilita a circulação sanguínea, melhora a oxigenação e automaticamente colabora para reduzir a pressão alta", ressalta José Kawazoe Lazzoli.
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* 8 tips to prevent and control hypertension
Stress, smoking, alcohol and extra pounds can trigger or exacerbate the problem
In My Life -Control hypertension with drugs is routine in the life of one quarter of all Brazilians. The disease, which overloads the heart, is chronic and can cause serious vision problems, kidney and brain, besides being the cause of myocardial infarction. But small steps can help prevent the frame or in control of it."Bad habits and sedentary work together at the table so that the cases of hypertension increase. Many patients living with the disease and do not know, because it brings no symptoms at first," said Jose Lazzoli Kawazoe, a specialist in cardiology and president of the Brazilian Society of Exercise Medicine and Sports (SBME).To treat this condition in many cases drugs are essential. But the change in behavior also transforms your health. Below, the cardiologist indicates a series of habits, diluted on a daily basis, help you live more healthy without relying on the pharmacy.
1. Check your blood pressure monthlyAccording to the expert, even those who do not suffer with the disease need to be careful and measure the pressure at least once a year. "About 25% of the adult population is made up of hypertensive patients. But most of them do not suspect it and ignores the care and may suffer from more serious problems in the future," says the doctor. But not worth measuring the pressure anyway:- Rest 15 minutes before, in a quiet place- If you smoke, wait 30 minutes- Do not talk during the procedure- Stay in bed or chair during- Empty the bladder- After exercise, wait 30 minutes- Do not take coffee and 20 minutes prior to measurement
2. Avoid excess weightThe large amount of body fat also affects the blood pressure increase. Ending the excess weight is a great suggestion for those who do not want to face risks. "It's as if the heart was bound to increase the strength to pump blood into other organs. When the weight decreases, often also reduce the dose of medication," says cardiologist.
3. Maintain a healthy dietThere are a range of foods that can trigger or aggravate the disease. "Too much salt and saturated fats as well as the intake of trans fats are friends of hypertension. Avoid them is essential to keep the disease away and or to control it," says the doctor.
4. Reduce your intake of alcoholic beveragesAccording to the specialist, consuming alcohol in moderation is not harmful for blood pressure, but go too far can wreak havoc. "Excessive consumption of alcohol compromises the entire body, including blood pressure," he says.
5. Calm the nervesIn isolation, the stress can not cause hypertension, but when combined with other risk factors may aggravate the situation. "Seeking alternatives to live more peaceful, the heart tends to work best, and doses of medications may even decrease," says cardiologist.
6. Below the smokeThe cigarette should be kept off - and far - if the desire is to stay away from the risks of hypertension. Smoking is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease. Toxic cigarette cause hardening of the arteries, a fact that compromises blood flow passage and makes the pressure go up, "says cardiologist.
7. Do not take medicines without prescription No self-medicate and take risks. The remedies for hypertension should be prescribed after a series of tests. "Each person has a different level of elevation of blood pressure, so it is important to note that the misuse of these drugs may contribute up to the worsening of the condition. The remedy that works for a friend, certainly not work for you," warns specialist.
8. Time to move your bodySedentary individuals are five times more likely to develop hypertension as compared to physically active individuals. "The Regular exercise helps control blood pressure levels, because it improves the fitness of the heart, causing it to not get overwhelmed," he says.In addition, regular activity causes an antihypertensive effect by helping to burn those extra pounds. "Do not just lose weight, you need to reduce fat mass," he explains. "Physical activity helps blood circulation, improves oxygenation and automatically works to reduce high blood pressure," says Joseph Lazzoli Kawazoe.
* 8 tips to prevent and control hypertension
Stress, smoking, alcohol and extra pounds can trigger or exacerbate the problem
In My Life -Control hypertension with drugs is routine in the life of one quarter of all Brazilians. The disease, which overloads the heart, is chronic and can cause serious vision problems, kidney and brain, besides being the cause of myocardial infarction. But small steps can help prevent the frame or in control of it."Bad habits and sedentary work together at the table so that the cases of hypertension increase. Many patients living with the disease and do not know, because it brings no symptoms at first," said Jose Lazzoli Kawazoe, a specialist in cardiology and president of the Brazilian Society of Exercise Medicine and Sports (SBME).To treat this condition in many cases drugs are essential. But the change in behavior also transforms your health. Below, the cardiologist indicates a series of habits, diluted on a daily basis, help you live more healthy without relying on the pharmacy.
1. Check your blood pressure monthlyAccording to the expert, even those who do not suffer with the disease need to be careful and measure the pressure at least once a year. "About 25% of the adult population is made up of hypertensive patients. But most of them do not suspect it and ignores the care and may suffer from more serious problems in the future," says the doctor. But not worth measuring the pressure anyway:- Rest 15 minutes before, in a quiet place- If you smoke, wait 30 minutes- Do not talk during the procedure- Stay in bed or chair during- Empty the bladder- After exercise, wait 30 minutes- Do not take coffee and 20 minutes prior to measurement
2. Avoid excess weightThe large amount of body fat also affects the blood pressure increase. Ending the excess weight is a great suggestion for those who do not want to face risks. "It's as if the heart was bound to increase the strength to pump blood into other organs. When the weight decreases, often also reduce the dose of medication," says cardiologist.
3. Maintain a healthy dietThere are a range of foods that can trigger or aggravate the disease. "Too much salt and saturated fats as well as the intake of trans fats are friends of hypertension. Avoid them is essential to keep the disease away and or to control it," says the doctor.
4. Reduce your intake of alcoholic beveragesAccording to the specialist, consuming alcohol in moderation is not harmful for blood pressure, but go too far can wreak havoc. "Excessive consumption of alcohol compromises the entire body, including blood pressure," he says.
5. Calm the nervesIn isolation, the stress can not cause hypertension, but when combined with other risk factors may aggravate the situation. "Seeking alternatives to live more peaceful, the heart tends to work best, and doses of medications may even decrease," says cardiologist.
6. Below the smokeThe cigarette should be kept off - and far - if the desire is to stay away from the risks of hypertension. Smoking is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease. Toxic cigarette cause hardening of the arteries, a fact that compromises blood flow passage and makes the pressure go up, "says cardiologist.
7. Do not take medicines without prescription No self-medicate and take risks. The remedies for hypertension should be prescribed after a series of tests. "Each person has a different level of elevation of blood pressure, so it is important to note that the misuse of these drugs may contribute up to the worsening of the condition. The remedy that works for a friend, certainly not work for you," warns specialist.
8. Time to move your bodySedentary individuals are five times more likely to develop hypertension as compared to physically active individuals. "The Regular exercise helps control blood pressure levels, because it improves the fitness of the heart, causing it to not get overwhelmed," he says.In addition, regular activity causes an antihypertensive effect by helping to burn those extra pounds. "Do not just lose weight, you need to reduce fat mass," he explains. "Physical activity helps blood circulation, improves oxygenation and automatically works to reduce high blood pressure," says Joseph Lazzoli Kawazoe.
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